

Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau held Research Forum at Master Group

On July 9th, the Provincial Quality Supervision Bureau deputy director Gao Guosheng, WTO research center director Chen Quan, Municipal Quality Supervision Bureau deputy director Tang Jiansheng, researcher Deng Weixiong, and other experts from provincial and municipal disciplines visited Guangdong Master Group under the supervision of Xinxing county deputy magistrate Liu Guiqiu. Representatives from 5 major stainless steel manufacturers participated at the research forum. The forum is focused on collaboration with the government in every aspect to improve industry performance.

Industry representatives from Master Group, Linkfair, and Deluxe communicated challenges their companies faced. Experts noted that they will report these problems to management, to help enterprises overcome difficulties. Experts encourage companies to focus on developing their own brand and penetrate the domestic market, rather than rely solely on OEM and export.

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